We had a post go up on our facebook group about a cat that had been hanging around a womans home in Tunbridge Wells for some time. This cat started slowly trying to make his way in to this womans home and she decided it was about time to see if anyone could help. One of our animal welfare officers Janet Dean-Edmead offered a chip check and went out yesterday to scan the cat.  The cat was chipped and his name was Patch. Unfortunately all details on the chip were out of date, so Janet instructed the finder to place a paper collar on the cat with her phone number on it as she tried to track the owner down.

Much to our surprise we received a call from a lady today who sounded excited but shocked. She said “Hello, I’m ringing about my cat, I heard you’ve found him? It’s very odd as he went missing 5 years ago!! I lived in the area for 2 years after he went missing, tried placing up posters, posting flyers and ringing around vets but I head nothing and had no choice but to move to London”.

We have no idea where Patch has been all this time, however arrangements have been made for him to return to his mum and furry brother on Saturday.

Home in time for Christmas! Be safe Patch.

Thank you to the lovely lady Collette for taking care of Patch and getting in touch and for Janet for being on the ball as usual.


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